Catholic prophecies and the 10 secrets, events that are about to unfold...

Prophecies Fulfilled Before the Warning

Prophecies from Our Lady of Peace at Anguera, Brazil First part fulfilled January 17, 2016

Our Lady of Peace at Anguera, Brazil related this prophecy, below, predicting an agreement between Obama and the Iranian leader. In early 2016 Obama negotiated with the leader of Iran to restrict Iran to so-called limited nuclear capabilities and lifting sanctions. There have been many outcries about lifting sanctions. Obama insanely went ahead and accomplished this agreement. We must understand that there is a globalist factor directing this deal, not for the benefit of nations but for the rich few in high places. At the bottom of all, this is Satan and his influence on those, in high places, above governments, to bring extensive destruction to the world. Mary, appearing at Medjugorje and particularly at Anguera, Brazil has given enough information about these unfolding events. We do not know everything that is going to happen, but the Holy Trinity does. Our Lady of Peace at Anguera has stated: "Never before have I revealed in any of my apparitions in the world, what I have revealed here. Only in this land has God permitted me to speak to you about future events. God has chosen the land of the Holy Cross (Brazil) to announce what is to come to the world." (Pg. 156, "After The Warning To 2038")

Our Lady of Peace to Pedro Regis: "Bend your knees in prayer for the peace of the world. Humanity lives in strong tensions and walks to self-destruction. A proud man (Obama) will make agreements with Iran. He seems to be a peacemaker, but in truth will be a thorn in many nations. The men of terror, led by the one with the appearance of a prophet (Iranian leader), will bring suffering and pain to the nest of the eagle (USA) and the country of the Savior (Israel). Behold, the time has come what I predicted."

"Humanity needs peace and you can contribute so that peace reigns in the hearts of men and women. Israel won't take long before it encounters great suffering. France will grieve the death of its children and Los Angeles will be shaken. Behold the difficult times for humanity. Be converted and return to Him, who is your Way, Truth, and Life. Terrorists are preparing something painful for mankind. England will suffer. Georgia will also suffer a heavy cross. Remain firm on the way I have pointed out for you. Great pain will come to Alaska. I am your Mom, and I am at your side. A swift bird shall fall (An armament?). Don't just cross your arms." "The land of the Queen (England?) will be surprised, and its enemies will cause great destruction. The land of the Savior (Israel) must suffer much..." (Pg. 191, "After The Warning To 2038")

Our Lady of Peace


The first part of this prophecy took place in January of 2016. The proud man is Obama. The one with the appearance of a prophet is the Iranian leader (Our Lord has confirmed, this is the guy (anointed)) who looks like such a nice guy, a holy man, who met with Pope Francis in January 2016. He is not what he seems according to Our Lady of Peace at Anguera, Brazil. It won't be long now before Jesus Christ will intervene because of a nuclear event in the Middle East. Iranian terrorists backed by the Iranian leader will bring destruction to parts of Israel and the United States.

According to all the prophecies of Mary, Mother of Jesus, we have been given detailed information about the time of these events. She asserts that God has given her permission to speak directly to us, about these events and what is to come to the whole world. Anyone who wants to take the time to read and reread all the prophecies, carefully, can come to the same conclusions about the seriousness of these events. However, I must give credit to the Holy Spirit who has been very present to me at times, in helping to bring these events into chronological order. I was not able to decide on my own which prophecies to use. Some of these prophecies seem extreme.

Please Pray for Divine Mercy for yourselves and others. It is a serious time, but we do not have to fear. God wants to preserve his Church.

Russian and Ukraine Prophecies Fulfilled

On May 12, 1914, the Virgin appeared to 22 peasants. The vision lasted until the next day. She predicted to them the loss of Ukraine's sovereignty for 80 years. She said that for eight decades they will suffer persecution, after which Christianity will have prevailed and Ukraine will be free. Three years later, in 1917, the Bolshevik revolution took place in Russia, Ukraine would be invaded by the Communists and only 8 decades later became independent as prophesied. Seven decades after the 1914 apparition, the Virgin once again appeared to Hrushiw.

In 1987, after release from the gulag, Josyp Terelya went to Ukraine and the hamlet of Hrushiw, south of Kyiv. The Blessed Virgin was appearing at a small church to a girl named Maria Kizyn, beginning in 1987 on the anniversary of the Chornobyl disaster. Thousands of people came to the site. Josyp Terelya saw the Blessed Virgin in a glow at the church. She related a message to him: "My daughter Ukraine, I have come to you because you have remained faithful to me amidst this desolation, and devout people will spread the news of me everywhere." She warned, "I see fire. The villages are burning. Water is burning. The very air is on fire. Everything is in flames. If people do not convert to Christ, there will be war. There shall be a great conflagration. All of you who have heard me today, you must go into the world and witness what is to come." 1, 2

"Forgive your enemies. Through you and the blood of martyrs will come the conversion of Russia. Repent and love one another. The times are coming which have been foretold as being those in the end times."

"See the desolation which surrounds the world... the sin, the sloth, the genocide. Pray for Russia. Oppression and wars continue to occupy the minds and hearts of many people. Russia, despite everything, continues to deny my Son. Russia rejects real life and continues to live in darkness. If there is not a return to Christianity in Russia, there will be a Third World War; the whole world will face ruin."

  1. From
  2. From the book, "Witness: to Apparitions and Persecution in the U.S.S.R."
  3. From,

Prophecies of Pope Benedict passing

Maria Esperanza (1928-2004) Stigmatist, was interviewed in 2003: "It is very different than what people think. He's going to come in silence... People will realize that He is among us, little by little... His first presentation (during the warning) will be like this, because in those days, an innocent person, whom He (Jesus) loves a lot will die, an innocent person (Benedict XVI) will pass on, around this time."1 "This (the Warning) will shock the world, will move the world. Many people will believe. He (Jesus) will disappear for some days..."2 During this first part of Jesus' intervention, He will come in silence on the Cross. It will take time for people to realize what has happened to them.

The "three popes" prophecy that Conchita of Garabandal relates to, confirms that the last of the three popes, an innocent person Benedict XVI will pass on around this time of the first presentation, the Warning. Benedict passed on December 31, 2022. This is a clear sign; the Warning will be soon. 6

Will Iran Destroy Jerusalem?

Pedro Regis

  1. Author anointed; the innocent person refers to Benedict XVl. This again confirms the Garabandal prophecy of three more popes after Pope John XXII, before or around the time of the warning.
  2. The Bridge to Heaven-Interview with Maria Esperanza by Michael H. Brown, p164