Catholic prophecies and the 10 secrets, events that are about to unfold...

Divine Intervention

The Warning will take place on a Friday in early 2024 & the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the first Sunday after the Warning. The Day of Miracles and Signs will likely take place in May 2024.

During the first nuclear event in the Middle East, the city of Jerusalem will be destroyed, extensively, according to Mary, Mother of Jesus who appears at Anguera, Brazil to a man named Pedro Regis. She describes many events about to unfold. Major Globalists are behind this plot. Then, Israel will bomb Iran with nuclear weapons.

At this point, God will intervene in human history. Jesus Christ will intervene on a Friday. Every person in the whole world will see the sins of their entire lifetime. It is an intervention by Jesus Christ, as is stated in Matthew 24: 22. "If those days had not been shortened, no one would be saved; but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened."

This intervention is called the Warning or Illumination of Conscience also called a Correction of Conscience and will be like a judgment. This is not the second coming of Christ, as we traditionally understand it. It will bring all things on earth to a standstill. For two to three days, all that humanity will be able to think about is their offenses before God.

On the third day, Sunday, after the Warning on a Friday, God will pour out his Spirit upon all mankind. These two admonitions or events are to prepare us for "the Storm." However, God will leave us in our free will.

Conchita will announce the Day of Miracles and Miracle Signs to take place at all Major Marian Apparitions sites eight days before the Thursday in May.

"6 & 1/2 Weeks" of Spiritual Consolation will take place
Every person on earth will have experienced the presence of God

The Storm: The Destruction of New York & World Chaos
